Turning creativity into reality

Hi, I'm Alisa
Full-Stack || Marketing

Self-taught Full-Stack Web Developer with a passion for digital marketing and creative problem solving.


Who I Am.

About me

I am a Digital Marketing Coordinator and an emerging Full-Stack Web Developer. After completing my Kinesiology degree at McMaster University, I began my studies in Software Development & Network Engineering at Sheridan College. I have since been building projects and learning as much as possible!

Coding & Marketing

I have experience using languages and technologies such as JavaScript, Python, Java, HTML, CSS, SQL, React, and Figma. Through my role as a Digital Marketing Coordinator, I have also gained experience using HubSpot, WordPress, Canva, Trello, and Zapier.


During my free time, I enjoy playing sports and exercising (what else did you expect from a ex-Kinesiology student?). I used to play volleyball and Olympic weightlift competitively. I also love to travel. If I am not at the gym then I am probably planning my next trip.


What I Know.


Featured projects

What I Have Built.


A multiplayer game involving Blobs and food!

Tech Specs:

  • p5.js || JavaScript || Socket.IO || Node.js
  • A multiplayer game built with p5.js for a more simplified creative coding process and interactive project
  • Features the use of Socket.IO, which allows real-time, bidirectional communication between multiple clients and server

Graphic Design

A collection of marketing materials and graphics that I have created during my time as a Digital Marketing Coordinator at BrokersOfGood (BOG), VP of Marketing at deSCIpher, and a student at McMaster University.

Tech Specs:

  • Created using Canva
  • Includes examples of infographics, social media posts, email banners, and signage


Never pay an overdue library book fee again! A full-stack application made to track and create various alert types for your checked out library books.

Tech Specs:

  • PostgreSQL || Express.js || Node.js || React
  • Login and authentication system for users to access their book roster again
  • Features the use of the Twilio API, Mailgun API and Cloudinary API


A mobile networking application that allows a user to find opponents for their next two-player sports match.

Tech Specs:

  • PostgreSQL || Express.js || Node.js || React
  • Features a filter bar that allows you to filter through potential opponents based on your preferred criteria
  • After a match, leave a sportsmanship rating of your opponent for others to see

nonna on the go

A food ordering service that allows you to order delicious homemade dishes from local Nonna Maria. Featuring a rustic-looking website design.

Tech Specs:

  • PostgreSQL || Express.js || Node.js || JavaScript || SCSS || EJS
  • Features the use of the Twilio API to send and receive text message alerts about your order
  • A rustic-looking frontend design built with EJS and SCSS to give the user a vintage experience


My personal portfolio showcases many of my projects and allows you to get to know me a little bit better!

Tech Specs:

  • Next.js || TypeScript || tailwindCSS
  • A responsive (mobile or desktop) single-page web application featuring the use of CSS grid
  • Designed and prototyped in Figma, perfected in code